Friday 17 January 2014

Sweet and Sour Citrus Summer Mocktail

"Summer afternoon- Summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language" - Henry James

Bonjour peeps,

Whilst sitting writing this, I am remembering the horrible, icy cold weather outside; and then the beautiful, warm summer we had before. Oh, the joys of summer! The larks one has with those friends, when one eats too many ice creams *said with a guilty face*, watching the beauty develop outside. I LOVE Summer! Thus, I feel that, amidst the horrible weather we are having to survive currently, it is time for a necessary reminder of what is soon to come again- just to keep up our spirits!

How good does this look? I am drooling at the mouth.

And perhaps a little recipe to stir things up a little (I feel like I am the only one who gave an accidental laugh at the hidden pun).

serves 1
1 glass of Indian Tonic Water
Juice of 1/2 lemon
Ice cubes
A spritz (ooh, fancy!) of orange juice

Love you always,
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