Monday 31 March 2014

Those Nothing Days

Oh how lovely those 'nothing days' are. 

I like that. 'Nothing days'. It perfectly describes my activity on a supposedly natural day. A day of constant munching: endless yoghurts, leftovers, apples. A sleep-socks day. A 'let's muse over the TV' day. A day of sleeping until 11. Those are the good days; the days of comfort. Laziness? Maybe. But, I tell you, comfort is one of the many continuous joys of life; and sometimes all we need.
Not that change isn't good. I fully accept and embrace change at every given opportunity. It takes you on new journeys, experiences, gets you talking to new people. It widens your comfort zones.

And back to comfort with a smooth transition (giddy up horsey). I will happily take into my arms, the joys of change and squeeze it with my cuddliest bear hug; although we do all have those comfort spots.

We all have our favourite bites. I will only drink tea until the last sips remain. We all have our favourite times - I am very much a evening person and will not regard another sole until I have absorbed several buckets of fluid and come into contact with scandalously cold water. Our favourite spots. Yes, mine being the very end corner of the couch. 

I stand by the fact that a little bit of comfort, amidst our hectic schedules, can sometimes work miraculous wonders.

My extended resolution to fulfil my excited adventurer seems to be put on a hold, once again. 

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