Monday 24 February 2014

My Half Term Week

Why hello there,

Has this week not been one of excitement, I ask you? Why, yes, indeed it has! I feel as though us little creatures of the earth have simply whizzed through the days. Oh my, having conversations with myself - not off to a good start. Amidst jiving, wiggling and what-ever you call flapping madly around whilst nodding your head on Just Dance 2014; going charity shopping with Mumsy and la soeur; discovering the most adorable shop that sells old fashioned sweeties, not to mention an entire wall of sugar-free ones (Hello! Why have I not made your acquaintance before?!); re-decorating my desky space; entering my favourite world of Harry Potter films; finishing last minute homework; sleeping 'till way past the acceptable or expected hour and devouring far to many eggs - I also did some other exuberant activities...

And then creativity took over; talk about
embracing life's little messes!

Ooh la la... that's a tall tree...
Off on a little gallop in the infamous outdoors.
Yo! Sushi!... I'll never understand the
exclamation marks, however out-the-box something may be, you need
to draw a line before unnecessary, non?
Mon platter of raw fish and sticky rice,
c'est trés yummy in my tummy.

A money stump/dead tree/block of wet wood...
how very inventive of you, indeed.
Isn't this quite the river?
I do love a smashing river. 
Golly! I need to control myself. I've been
taking some cheeky snappies on the journey again...
Way ahead of you horsey...
I did this post many burgers ago
(Teehee! I've done it again!)
A video! Aww, shucks, gee thanks!

Woah there tiger, that was an exciting trip! And, pretty please with a cherry on top, where have you been gallivanting lately, what new exciting ventures have you undertaken?  Please. I'm nosy.

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