Saturday 23 January 2016

Grown-Up Gingham

Gingham is in and it's not just for farmers or 5 year olds.

I need to come clean. I haven't worn gingham since before Miley and Liam were engaged for the first time. Remember when Vans hit their peak and literally every 11 year old had a pair - well that's around the time i was wearing gingham. 

I just kind of shied away from it as I grew because I guess the stigma and stereotype really hit me hard and I subconsciously always thought the pattern either looked a) like I was the bread-kneading daughter of a farmer, or b) that I was dressing too young. Tbh, where did these thoughts even come from, because they are completely rubbish. I would put it right next to the decision you make on the 31st December to go on a juice cleanse.

  • Dark or neutral colours instead of bright or pastel colours
  • With black shoes, leather, heavy denim
  • With contrasting bright colours
  • Gingham on gingham - Christian Dior Pre, merci

1 comment:

  1. I could go for a neutral gingham or maybe a light blue, reminiscent of Dorothy from the The Wizard of Oz. :]

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